Service contract causes too much anxiety

Service contract causes too much anxiety

Sometimes there are things in life that are supposed to make your existence more convenient…

  • But in fact they make everything more difficult and strenuous.

If you ask me, cell phones fall into this category fairly often. It’s a great idea to be able to get into touch with friends and family no matter where you both are located, however I think it’s destructive to our mental health to never be alone. Similarly, I think that heating and cooling appliances were an absolutely wonderful idea when they were first invented, but air conditioning units and furnaces actually are a lot more trouble than they’re worth a great deal of the time. On the same token, my service contract for my central heating, cooling, and ventilation system has brought me a lot of anxiety – the same anxiety it was supposed to relieve. You see, when I bought a new air conditioning unit I decided to pay for the routine service contract from the heating and cooling repair shop. This way, they would perform the necessary maintenance services on my cooling system twice a year without me having to remember to make the HVAC appointments. I thought I would be less stressed out with the automatic heating and cooling repair scheduling, but in reality, I’m so distressed. I never know when the Professional Heating and Cooling technicians are going to arrive, so I am always prepared for them to show up in the spring and fall. Eventually I get so stressed that I called the HVAC shop to ask when the maintenance appointment will be. Then I make sure I’m home for the heating and cooling inspection. At that point, I might as well just schedule the maintenance jobs myself.

hydronic heating