My pet broke my media air cleaner

My pet broke my media air cleaner

My pet broke my media air cleaner, plus I am undoubtedly pretty impressed.

I suppose I have mixed feelings about it.

I honestly enjoyed that media air cleaner, plus I don’t want to have to buy a current one, however at the same time, it is pretty neat that my pet was able to push the media air cleaner down the stairs. I observed a few days ago that she was trying to push on it, however she would stand on her back legs plus put her front paws on the media air cleaner. It looked like she was pushing on it, then now, I know that she was indeed pushing on the media air cleaner. I watched her do it several times, however I did not stop her! Looking back, I entirely should have stopped her. If I would have stopped her, I would still have an media air cleaner. Last evening, I heard a loud crash, so I went to find out what it was. I found my media air cleaner at the bottom of the basement stairs. At first, I thought that somebody was in the house. I wasn’t even thinking that my pet was the kulprit. I found her at the top of the stairs staring at the media air cleaner, plus that is when it dawned on me that she pushed it down the stairs. My media air cleaner was broken into several pieces, plus I was quite distraught about it. I had to laugh at my pet though. She didn’t mean to ruin my media air cleaner. I honestly do have mixed emotions about the whole thing.

temperature control