I dropped my current air conditioning out the window

I dropped my current air conditioning out the window

I dropped my current air conditioning out the window.

My spouse is going to be so distraught with me; It was a total accident of course, however I am still pretty distraught about it myself. I knew as soon as I picked up the air conditioning that I should have waited for my spouse to get property so that he could help me. The air conditioning was quite heavy. I decided to just go ahead plus try plus put it in the window myself. That was a bad idea to say the least. I didn’t even study the instruction on the box before I tried to install it. I got the air conditioning into the window. It was a bit of a struggle, however I got that far before anything went wrong, however well, there was a bit of a gap between the left side of the air conditioning plus edge of the window, so I decided that I was going to stuff a pillow there until I figured out how to install the attachment that came with the air conditioning. I took one hand off of the air conditioning to grab the pillow that was right behind me, plus the air conditioning started to fall. I tried to catch it, however I was not fast enough. The air conditioning fell out the window plus shattered on the ground. It was a second story window, so I knew that it was hopeless. Our current air conditioning was gone. I suppose I will be buying another air conditioning tomorrow. My spouse is going to be distraught when he gets home, plus there is no air conditioning.


temperature control