Don’t answer, but I’m coming for the A/C unit

Don’t answer, but I’m coming for the A/C unit

Sometimes people make everything way more strenuous than it needs to be.

This is absolutely the case right now, while I attempt to end a affectionate relationship and transfer on with my life. Of course, my ex cannot just make things self-explanatory so my friend and I can efficiently transfer forward. In fact, he refuses to respond to my messages at all. This means, my friend and I have not had any resolution to the relationship and my friend and I have not been able to supply our personal effects back to each other, and normally this would not be a crucial deal, despite the fact that he has my air conditioner. There is actually no way I will be abandoning my window A/C device when I abandon this relationship. In fact, I’ve owned that little cooling system for 10 times as long as I dated this bozo. I bought the little window A/C device back in school when I lived in a excruciating apartment building. The rundown residence had almost no cooling system inside. There was supposedly a central cooling system, but it never worked when I lived there. Everyday was brutally moderate and humid, and my evenings were spent sleeplessly dripping with sweat. At that point, I collected together all of my savings and bought a tiny A/C window unit. Since then, I’ve taken my cooling device with me everywhere I’ve lived. Including the single week that I lived with my ex. If he does not want to return my messages or have our final conversation, that has fine. But I will be coming to get my a/c.

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