Uncle tells me to pray for my AC unit

Uncle tells me to pray for my AC unit

There are times when I wonder if I was adopted.

I honestly hope that this was the case after some of the conversations that I’ve had with my family members in the past.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that they are good people and they generally mean well. However, it seems like there are some loose connections in a lot of their brains. I do my best to be patient with every one of my kin, but there are days when I just can’t hold it in anymore. Recently this is what happened with my uncle when I accidentally exploded in his face after he offered extremely unhelpful advice about my heating, cooling, and ventilation system. For the past five years I have been dealing with an ancient indoor error handling control system. I have definitely wanted to upgrade the central heating and cooling devices in my home for this entire period of time. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the extra cash to invest in a whole new modern air conditioning unit and forced air furnace. As such, I’ve been trying to limp along with my existing heating, cooling, and ventilation equipment. When my family recently started asking if I could contribute to my cousin’s college fund I had to put my foot down and tell them that I needed the money for my heating and cooling upgrade. Unfortunately, that didn’t go over well with my uncle, in particular. He told me that there was no need to worry about my indoor air handling devices… I just needed more Jesus in my life. If I prayed for my heating and cooling equipment to work, it would. That’s when I loudly asked if he had tried praying for his own kid’s college fund.

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