Swapped temperature control wiring so heat instead of cool

Swapped temperature control wiring so heat instead of cool

I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already.

Earlier this year, I left an harshly toxic & abusive relationship separate from any warning.

It’s been exactly 6 months since I made that enormous decision & walked out separate from ever looking back. Well, I should say, I looked back many times in order to receive my personal belongings. After I left, my ex wouldn’t let me get my stuff for many months. When I finally acquired access to the property for one weekend to collect all of my belongings, he did not make it easy on me. He decided to put a passcode on the temperature control & set the cooling system all the way up to 72 degrees. The a/c system was barely running, & it was definitely 97 degrees outside. The inside of the property was ridiculously tepid & humid, & I could barely breathe while I was trying to pack up my things. I tried plugging in fans for extra cooling power, however nothing cut the large heat & humidity trapped in the stagnant house. I knew there was no sense in trying to reason with my ex, because he would never deliver him control of the temperature control during this strenuous time. Instead, I went online & started looking at DIY Heating & A/C videos. I learned how to rewire a temperature control, so I could have plenty of cooling power for my strenuous move. On the way out of the house, I decided to make one more temperature control modification. I switched the heating & cooling wires, so that the furnace would run when you were trying to set the cooling function. I walked out of the property with a giant smile on my face as the central furnace pumped an endless volume of high-priced, treated air into his home.

new air conditioning