Making money without the financial debt – scholarships and internships in HVAC

Making money without the financial debt – scholarships and internships in HVAC

Maybe I should actually look into becoming a certified service technician.

For a few years now, I’ve been extremely unhappy with my work life. When I went to college, I didn’t choose the best degree. I jumped into science and wound up in a research career for much of my 20s. I did well in the industry and made many strides in my field. However, I was never really happy with the work I performed. I left research and decided to start looking for a new career. At this point, I realized that I needed to re-educate myself in order to find a new career path. I wasn’t getting any bites on my job applications and I didn’t want to keep wasting my time working menial jobs. I started looking into my grad school options, but was extremely stressed by the financial weight these programs. Then, I happened to hear an ad on the news for a trade school scholarship aimed at females. Apparently, there was a full tuition scholarship available for ladies going into the electrical, HVAC, or Plumbing Industries. This got the wheels spinning. Maybe I should actually look into becoming a certified service technician. I had always enjoyed working with my hands, I like to help other people, and I was a pretty big fan of advanced indoor air temperature control. In fact, thanks to all of my family’s respiratory illnesses, I was a bit of an expert when it came to high-quality ventilation solutions.I applied for the scholarship and was thrilled when I won the appointment. I began earning my certified HVAC technician licensure, and was able to complete my schooling without gaining any additional debt. Now, I have a brand new career in the HVAC industry and I’m more financially stable than when I was working as a scientist.

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