Looking for shelter in a storm – clearly someone lives here

Looking for shelter in a storm – clearly someone lives here

A lot of people talk about their disdain for dark, dreary afternoons.

I have to say, I don’t understand.

I feel energized, full of life, plus optimistic whenever the sun is covered by thick dark clouds. That’s why, I preferentially choose those afternoons to go out on hiking adventures by myself. I savor the scenery after a storm when the trees are especially dark plus their leaves look brilliant in the severe contrast. The only thing is, you have to be careful that the exhausting weather has legitimately passed before you hike too far. The other day, I forgot this cardinal rule plus got myself lost in the woods before a major storm broke out, but luckily, I happened to find high quality indoor air temperature control plus shelter. I was stomping through the woods hastily, realizing that the air felt heavy with moisture plus the weather conditions was about to change. I knew I needed to find shelter, so I could stay sizzling plus dry in the coming weather event. Thank god, I stumbled right upon a broken-down looking lodge in the woods. I walked inside plus right away felt relief from the cool, dry indoor air. It felt so nice inside of the lodge compared to the warm plus muggy outdoor environment. I sat down plus watched the trees sway as the outdoor humidity culminated in a giant thunderstorm. The storm was so loud, I almost did not hear the central cooling system kick into gear. Suddenly, I realized that there was cool, costly artificial air passing through the air vents all around me. I heard the cooling system chugging away outside. At that moment, I realized I legitimately had a working central cooling system at my disposal… But clearly this wasn’t an abandoned lodge.

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