Insurance corporation is monitoring me too closely

Insurance corporation is monitoring me too closely

Sometimes I think that technology has gone too far. There’s absolutely no such thing as solitude or privacy any more these days, because you are always fastened to most people you know… And occasionally people you do not know. If you’re anything like me, you’re actually getting a bit uncomfortable with the idea that several companies are monitoring your moment by moment activities. Thanks to our smartphones, smart cars, and even our smart temperature controls, crucial companies can keep tabs on their buyers like never before. This absolutely started to bother me the other afternoon when I realized my smartphone is talking to my smart temperature control officially. The smart temperature control app is uploading information directly to my insurance dealer. My insurance corporation utilizes the air quality information to determine my yearly premiums, based on my assumed respiratory health, interest levels, and immune system strength. Why on earth does the insurance corporation use my Heating and Air Conditioning information? Apparently, your central heating and cooling system health can be correlated to your physical health. If your smart temperature control is indicating that you’re always at home, using advanced indoor air temperature control, It signifies that you lead a sedentary lifestyle. If your smart temperature control hasn’t detected an air filter change or ductwork cleaning in several years, they guess you are at increased risk of respiratory disease. Lastly, if you are always changing the indoor air temperature control settings or modifying the air quality in ways that don’t agree with Heating and Air Conditioning algorithms, my insurance corporation considers it an indicator of underlying health problems, however unluckyly, I didn’t know any of my Heating and Air Conditioning interest would matter when I agreed to their health monitoring system. When I tried to explain that my two year old absolutely enjoys to mess with the shiny smart temperature control, my insurance corporation wasn’t interested in reverting my premiums.

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